Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 & H2020 Projects


Participants : Reza Akbarinia, Boyan Kolev, Florent Masseglia, Esther Pacitti, Patrick Valduriez.

Project title: CloudDBAppliance

Instrument: H2020

Duration: 2016 - 2019

Total funding: 5 Meuros (Zenith: 500Keuros)

Coordinator: Bull/Atos, France

Partner: Europe: Inria Zenith, U. Madrid, INESC and the companies LeanXcale, QuartetFS, Nordea, BTO, H3G, IKEA, CloudBiz, and Singular Logic.

Inria contact: Florent Masseglia, Patrick Valduriez

The project aims at producing a European Cloud Database Appliance for providing a Database as a Service able to match the predictable performance, robustness and trustworthiness of on premise architectures such as those based on mainframes. The cloud database appliance features: (i) a scalable operational database able to process high update workloads such as the ones processed by banks or telcos, combined with a fast analytical engine able to answer analytical queries in an online manner; (ii) an operational Hadoop data lake that integrates an operational database with Hadoop, so operational data is stored in Hadoop that will cover the needs from companies on big data; (iii) a cloud hardware appliance leveraging the next generation of hardware to be produced by Bull, the main European hardware provider. This hardware is a scale-up hardware similar to the one of mainframes but with a more modern architecture. Both the operational database and the in-memory analytics engine will be optimized to fully exploit this hardware and deliver predictable performance. Additionally, CloudDBAppliance will tolerate catastrophic cloud data centres failures (e.g. a fire or natural disaster) providing data redundancy across cloud data centres. In this project, Zenith is in charge of designing and implementing the components for analytics and parallel query processing.